Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Pronunciation Practice: Unit 5 and 9

1. Download the materials below

    Unit 5:
       Activity 2.b
       Activity 2.f
       Activity 3.b

    Unit 9:
       Activity 2.d
       Activity 2.f

2. Listen to the recording as many times as you want, the more times the better.
3. Do the tasks in the book and write the answer on a piece of paper.
4. Submit the work before the exam

The midterm exam is conducted ORALLY next week.
The following is the exam procedures:
1. You will be called to enter the exam room one by one.
2. Submit your work (Unit 5, 6, 8, and 9).
3. You will be given a test paper containing a list of
    - single-syllable words
    - two-or-more-syllable words
    - sentences.
4. You are to pronounce the words and sentences.

Don't hesitate to contact me you have any enquiries.


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